When arriving at the surgeon’s office or surgical center, photographs may be taken for a patient’s medical record. The surgeon will likely go over post surgical procedures one final time and make sure you are prepared for the healing and recovery process. The doctor will examine your breasts, skin and nipples and take detailed measurements. Because the surgery is performed while the patient is laying flat, the doctor will draw reference lines with a marker while the patient is sitting uprigt that will help determine how the breasts will sit when the patient is upright.
Patients will be connected to an IV, heart rate monitor and once the doctor and nurses have checked to make sure all is working properly, the anesthetist will begin administering general anesthesia or intravenous sedation depending on what the patient and doctor have decided on as the best option.
It is important for patients to be completely honest with the surgeon when discussing the size and shape of breasts they hope to achieve. The size of the implants, as well as how the surgery will be performed will be determined in no small part by what patients relate to the surgeon as well as their anatomy, skin type, and current breast size. Incisions are made as inconspicuously as possible and depending on the size and type of implant desired, can be made under the arms, in the breast folds, or through the areolas.
Implants can be inserted either under the pectoral muscle (submuscular placement) or over the pectoral muscle directly behind the breast tissue itself (submammary placement). The placement will depend on the both the size and type of the implant as well as the surgeon’s recommendations.
After the implants have been inserted and properly positioned the surgeon will close all of the incisions with layered sutures as well as surgical tape. Immediately following surgery the incisions will be very visible but will begin to fade over time as the body recovers. It will take time before the full results of the procedure are visible.
Patients should expect some postoperative swelling and bruising which will resolve within 4 weeks. Most patients should expect to return to work within 4-5 days and resume vigorous heavy lifting and excercise in 4 weeks.
All medications should be taken as prescribed including painkillers and antibiotic treatments and medicines not prescribed by the surgeon should be avoided unless you have spoken with the surgeon about taking them during your recovery. Patients should slowly ease back into normal activity over then next several months and should refrain from rigorous activity until they are given the OK from their surgeon.