Saline breast implant deflation occurs on average 4.3 to 6% at 10 years. A Study on silicone rupture rate (Inamed Silicone Breast Implant Core Study Results at 6 Years rupture rate published in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: December 2007 – Volume 120 – Issue ) was 3.5 percent overall at 6 year. Overall, the rupture rate of both silicone and saline implants are equivalent. The difference is detection of rupture. For saline implants, the rupture is detectable by the patient and physician almost immediately. However in case of silicone implants, the rupture is silent. It would require a radiographic study such as MRI or an ultrasound to detect silicone implant rupture. Retrospective study showed untreated silicone gel fill implants are harmless conditions (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: July 2004 – Volume 114 – Issue 1). Unlike a silicone implant, saline implant ruptures result in an immediate deflation of the implant and skin envelope of the breast. If the deflation goes untreated, the breast skin envelope would retract back while the other breast envelope continues to be expanded. Over time, you would have significant asymmetry in your breast that may require additional procedure to the unaffected breast such as a lift. Therefore, if you have breast implants and note any changes in your breast shape or size, you should consult your plastic surgeon soon for diagnosis and treatment.
If it is a breast implant rupture, the two major breast implant manufacturers in the United States (Allergan and Mentor) provide a lifetime warranty for all of their implants. If an implant fails or ruptures during the first 10 years, both companies will provide a new implant and $1200 applicable toward operating room and anesthesia costs which can be upgraded to an extended plan providing up to $2400 for a small fee prior to surgery. All implants have a lifetime guarantee and will be replaced by the manufacturer if the problem is related to the implant.