Mytien Goldberg, MD, FACS • November 26, 2023





Mytien Goldberg, MD, FACS • November 26, 2023

Many of us are familiar with Angelina Jolie, but you may be unfamiliar with her familial and genetic mutations. Angelina Jolie has a BRCA1 gene mutation and this mutation in her DNA puts her at a higher risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer. Jolie lost her mother, grandmother and aunt to cancer and in an attempt to prevent the same fate for herself she chose to have a prophylactic double mastectomy, meaning she had both breasts removed even though she hadn’t been diagnosed with breast cancer. In addition she also had a hysterectomy, removal of her ovaries and fallopian tubes. While the BRCA1 mutation may be the most known mutation due to Jolie’s openness about her journey there are many other mutations that should be discussed such as the BRCA2 and CHEK2 mutation.


BRCA1, BRCA2 and CHEK2 are all genes that produce proteins that repair damaged DNA that may cause uncontrolled division of cells. For this reason they are often called tumor-suppressor genes because they prevent cells from growing and dividing by regulating the cell cycle. When there is a mutation in these genes, there may be irregularities in the cell cycle that lead to abnormal cell growth, leading to tumors.



  • Breast cancer, including an aggressive form called Triple Negative Breast Cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Prostate cancer


  • Breast cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Melanoma
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Prostate cancer



Testing is done through a simple blood test or through a saliva test for those unable to provide a blood sample.


Typically individuals are tested beginning at the age of 25 for such mutations. *Genetic testing for BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations is typically not recommended for children younger than 18 due to the psychological impact such news may have on them.


If you’re in your 20s you’ll most likely:

Have an annual breast MRI begins at age 25 or 10 years younger than the earliest age of breast cancer diagnosis in your family (if earlier).

If you’re in your 30s you’ll most likely:

Get a mammogram once a year in addition to a breast MRI. These two screenings should switch off every 6 months.

Regardless of age you will most likely visit a breast specialist and/or surgeon to discuss your preventative options such as cancer prevention surgery and hormone therapies.



  • Bilateral risk-reducing mastectomy – which consists of having both breasts removed to reduce the risk of breast cancer
  • If a patient opts to have a mastectomy there are breast reconstruction options to restore her breasts such as an implant based reconstruction or a flap reconstruction.
  • Bilateral risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy- which consists of having the ovaries and fallopian tubes removed to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.


Taking medications (such as tamoxifen and raloxifene, and aromatase inhibitors) to lower the chance of developing breast or ovarian cancer. These medications work by blocking the estrogen receptors; however, there are side effects associated with these medications such as hot flashes and increased risk of blood clots


Similarly to individuals with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, you will likely have cancer screenings more often than most people to find the cancer as early as possible. Some of these screenings are: MRI’s and mammograms of your breasts and colonoscopies because unlike BRCA1 and BRCA2, CHEK2 increases the risk of colon cancer.


There is no clear evidence that having a mutation in any of these genes affects fertility. However, as previously mentioned, removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes can be used as a preventative measure to ovarian cancer, but this treatment also eliminates the ability of a woman to get pregnant naturally. Even with removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes there are still methods for women to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization (IVF).


Because these mutations are inherited, there is a 50% chance that your children inherited a BRCA1, BRCA2 or CHEK2 gene mutation and will have to consider the information that has been presented earlier in this blog.

While at home genetic testing, such as 23andMe, Myriad and Color Genomics, has provided valuable insight into our health, we understand finding out you have a mutation placing you at risk of cancer is stressful and Goldberg Plastic Surgery is here to accompany you on your journey.

Dr. Goldberg is a breasts reconstructive plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California specializing in the DIEP flap and other state-of-the-art breast reconstruction procedures. Our office will work with different insurance plans and patients across and outside the US. Please call (310) 325-0310 to learn more and book a consultation.

By Mytien Goldberg, MD, FACS March 7, 2025
Are you considering breast implant removal options but still want natural breast enhancement after implants? Do you wonder what your breasts will look like without implants? If so, you're not alone—and there are solutions to help you achieve a beautiful, natural shape. Embracing Your Body at Every Stage As we enter our 50s and 60s, we become more in tune with our bodies, appreciating the journeys they’ve carried us through—whether it’s childbirth, breastfeeding, or simply the ups and downs of life. Over time, some women find that breast implants no longer feel right. They may seem like a foreign material that no longer aligns with their bodies, prompting the decision to remove them and seek a more natural alternative. However, many women feel uncertain about breast explant surgery and how their breasts will look post-explant. Will they be saggy? Will they still have cleavage? These concerns are valid because, at any stage of life, we want to feel confident, empowered, and beautiful in our own skin. The good news? There are several breast implant removal options that allow women to maintain fullness and a natural shape using their own tissue. Your Options for Breast Implant Removal with Natural Fullness Option 1: Breast Implant Removal with Local Breast Tissue Rearrangement If you have a good amount of breast tissue with some skin laxity, this technique could be ideal for achieving natural breast enhancement after implants . The procedure involves removing the implants through a small incision in the breast fold. Dr. Goldberg then uses the lower breast tissue to enhance fullness and create natural cleavage. This method offers a soft, natural result without the need for artificial implants. Option 2: Breast Implant Removal with Lateral Chest Fat Transfer For women who do not have enough breast tissue for the first option, this approach utilizes excess fat from the sides of the chest to restore fullness after breast explant surgery with flap transfer (living fat tissue) . Many women in their 50s and 60s have loose tissue on the lateral side of the breasts. This excess fatty tissue is repositioned into the breast to restore volume and projection. The benefit of this technique is that the tissue is a living tissue which is different than fat transfer . It is simply a superior technique. The result? A fuller, natural-looking breast while simultaneously sculpting the sides for a sleeker contour—truly a win-win! Option 3: Breast Implant Removal with Abdominal Tissue Transfer (DIEP Flap Reconstruction) This is the ultimate solution for women seeking a full-body transformation while achieving breast reconstruction after implant removal . Dr. Goldberg removes excess lower abdominal tissue and repurposes it as living tissue to reconstruct the breasts. This technique provides long-lasting fullness while also improving abdominal contour—similar to a tummy tuck, but with the added benefit of breast reconstruction. It’s a fantastic option for women experiencing issues like Breast Implant Illness (BII), recurring capsular contracture, or those desiring a "natural" mommy makeover. Your Journey to Natural Confidence If you're ready to say goodbye to implants and hello to natural breast enhancement after implants , you're not limited to just one approach. With modern techniques like breast explant surgery with microsurgical flap transfer , you can achieve a youthful, confident look that aligns with your body’s natural beauty. Dr. Goldberg specializes in breast reconstruction after implant removal and natural enhancement techniques, helping women regain confidence and comfort in their bodies. 🔹 Ready to explore your options? Schedule a consultation today to discuss the best breast implant removal options for you!
A woman in a white lab coat is standing with her arms crossed.
By Mytien Goldberg, MD, FACS June 12, 2024
What is a lumbar artery perforator flap in breast reconstruction? What is a lumbar artery perforator flap in breast reconstruction? What is a lumbar artery perforator flap in breast reconstruction? What is the recovery from a LAP flap look like?
By Mytien Goldberg, MD, FACS November 26, 2023
3 Minute Read:
By Mytien Goldberg, MD, FACS November 26, 2023
6 Minute Read: I received radiation treatment as part of my breast cancer treatment. What is the best breast reconstruction option for me: implant or autologous tissue breast reconstruction? If you have received radiation as part of your breast cancer treatment, I hope this blog is informative for choosing the best option for your breast reconstruction. After mastectomy, the goal of breast reconstruction is to recreate an aesthetic breast mound plus or minus the nipple and to establish symmetry with the remaining breast.
By Mytien Goldberg, MD, FACS November 26, 2023
A breast lift is a surgical procedure that raises the breasts and restores their firmness and youthful appearance. It can be done with or without breast implants. As a woman ages, her breasts may sag due to a natural loss of skin elasticity, pregnancy, breast feeding, weight changes, and gravity. Breast sagging is completely natural, but it’s also reversible with a breast lift. You might be asking, what is a breast lift and how does it differ from breast implants? Breast implants make the breasts bigger and, by default, they can fill up any excess skin to cause the breasts to lift. A breast lift is a procedure that has the specific goal of raising the breasts, usually using the existing tissue. Implants are not necessary for a breast lift, though some women may choose to get them. A breast lift without implants is for women who are comfortable with the size of their breasts or women who would like a small reduction in their cup size. This procedure is also called mastopexy. During surgery, the doctor removes excess skin and tightens the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour. The volume of the breast that fills a bra is left in tact, but their shape and position will be noticeably improved. A breast lift may be part of a ‘mommy makeover’ to reverse the affects of pregnancy and breastfeeding on a woman’s body. Since no implant is added during mastopexy, the results can be quite natural looking. Every woman is different. An individualized approach is taken for each patient to ultimately give her back youthful, firmer breasts.
By Mytien Goldberg, MD, FACS November 26, 2023
Saline breast implant deflation occurs on average 4.3 to 6% at 10 years. A Study on silicone rupture rate (Inamed Silicone Breast Implant Core Study Results at 6 Years rupture rate published in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: December 2007 – Volume 120 – Issue ) was 3.5 percent overall at 6 year. Overall, the rupture rate of both silicone and saline implants are equivalent. The difference is detection of rupture. For saline implants, the rupture is detectable by the patient and physician almost immediately. However in case of silicone implants, the rupture is silent. It would require a radiographic study such as MRI or an ultrasound to detect silicone implant rupture. Retrospective study showed untreated silicone gel fill implants are harmless conditions (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: July 2004 – Volume 114 – Issue 1). Unlike a silicone implant, saline implant ruptures result in an immediate deflation of the implant and skin envelope of the breast. If the deflation goes untreated, the breast skin envelope would retract back while the other breast envelope continues to be expanded. Over time, you would have significant asymmetry in your breast that may require additional procedure to the unaffected breast such as a lift. Therefore, if you have breast implants and note any changes in your breast shape or size, you should consult your plastic surgeon soon for diagnosis and treatment.  If it is a breast implant rupture, the two major breast implant manufacturers in the United States (Allergan and Mentor) provide a lifetime warranty for all of their implants. If an implant fails or ruptures during the first 10 years, both companies will provide a new implant and $1200 applicable toward operating room and anesthesia costs which can be upgraded to an extended plan providing up to $2400 for a small fee prior to surgery. All implants have a lifetime guarantee and will be replaced by the manufacturer if the problem is related to the implant.
By Mytien Goldberg, MD, FACS November 26, 2023
In America and throughout the world, both men and women are expected to look healthy and young well into their 30’s, 40’s, 50’ and 60’s. While diet and exercise can play a large role in looking younger, the use of modern cosmetic surgery has become one of the most popular ways to beat back the clock. Getting surgical cosmetic procedures has become very commonplace, with an ever-growing percentage of the population opting in to get cosmetic surgery. Yet there is a large divide between women and men, and what procedures are most popular for each of the sexes. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons today released top line data from its 2011 plastic Surgery Statistics Report. The latest data shows breast augmentation is still the most common cosmetic surgery procedure for 2011. There were 307, 180 breast augmentation procedures performed in 2011, up 3.7% since 2010. Many of the common signs of aging that occur to a woman’s breasts as she gets older can be very devastating to her self esteem. Yet with today’s modern surgical options, there is a viable option for women to change the way they look. Second to breast augmentation, rhinoplasty is the most popular cosmetic procedure, with a total of 243,772 procedures being performed in 2011. The growing number of cosmetic procedures is an indication that even in this tough economic climate, more consumers are choosing cosmetic surgery as a way to look younger and feel better about themselves. We certainly see the same trend in our practice. More and more women are seeking improvements in their look. We support this trend as many of these procedures equate to improvements in their overall self-confidence and quality of life.
By Mytien Goldberg, MD, FACS November 26, 2023
A new study published in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery in February 2012, looks at perceived age after facial plastic surgery. This novel study attempts to quantify the degree of perceived age change after facial plastic surgical procedures . A total of 60 patients were enrolled in the study and divided into 3 groups: Group 1 patients had only facelift and neck lift (total of 22 patients); Group 2 patients had facelift, neck lift, upper and lower eyelid surgery (total 19 patients); and Group 3 patients had facelift, neck lift, upper and lower eyelid surgery, and brow lift (total 21 patients). The investigators then asked a group of first year medical student to estimate the patient’s age based on the Before and After pictures of each patient. The researchers tried to standardize the photographs by asking participants to not wear makeup. The researchers found that on average, the raters estimated that the patients looked 1.7 years younger than their actual age before surgery, and 8.9 years younger afterward. On average, the estimated age dipped by 5.7 years in group 1 (patients with neck and face lift), and by 8.4 years in the third group (patients with neck, face lift, upper and lower eyelid and brow lift). Therefore, the author of the study concludes that facial rejuvenation surgeries demonstrate a significant and consistent reduction in perceived age. This effect is more substantial when the number of surgical procedures is increase. The desire to improve one’s physical presentation and to maintain a youthful appearance is intrinsic in our evolution. Physical appearance and how we are perceived by others have implications for social and psychological functioning, as well as our sense of well-being, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Before you seek to have plastic surgery procedures, do your homework and check that the doctor is board-certified in plastic surgery. There is a lot of white-coat deception. Virtually any kind of doctor legally claims to be a plastic surgeon without any formal training in plastic surgery. As a board certified plastic surgeon, I have seen increasing numbers of patients who present with complications and unsatisfactory outcomes after having procedures done by non board certified plastic surgeon.
By Mytien Goldberg, MD, FACS November 26, 2023
Today’s society is one in which we can never seem to get enough. Everything is bigger, better, faster, and stronger. But what happens when you are blessed with too much of a good thing? While many women desire an increase in breast size, there are those who feel uncomfortable with size of their breasts. If a woman has large breasts, she may be considering breast reduction surgery for many reasons. Aside from feeling more comfortable in their bras and clothing, breast reduction surgery can help alleviate any number of symptoms. Women with large breasts often suffer from chronic back and neck and shoulder pain, chronic rashes and skin irritation under the breasts, deep grooves in the shoulders from bra strap pressure, poor posture and restricted activity, as well as poor self-image due to large breasts. Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to help achieve a breast size that’s more proportionate to a woman’s body, as well as helping to alleviate the symptoms associated with overly large breasts. So who is breast reduction surgery for? Women of all ages have been known to have breast reduction surgery, even young women in their teens; however it’s strongly recommended that the patient wait until they are past the age of development. If a woman hasn’t started a family yet, or is still in the stages of family planning, it may be best for her to wait until pregnancy isn’t an issue yet, as pregnancy can change breast tissue. Results can be seen immediately, but it’s best to keep in mind that it can take months for the swelling to completely diminish and for the surgical scars to fade. For anyone considering breast reconstruction surgery, consult a Board Certified plastic surgeon. This is a very personalized procedure, and it’s important to understand everything that breast reduction surgery encompasses, including possible risks and complications, as well as set realistic expectations. I have insurance. Does that cover any of my procedure costs? If a patient has a history of chronic conditions, such as back, neck, or shoulder pain, or chronic skin conditions such as rashes or skin irritation in the breast issue, having a breast reduction may be considered medically necessary and is covered by most insurance plans. If approved, this means the patient’s insurance would cover the cost of the surgeon’s fee, as well as the cost of the facility and anesthesiologist. This is something that should be discussed and documented during a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon.
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