Breast reduction surgery is the opposite of what most people envision when they think of breast surgery. Breast reduction is performed to reduce the size of the breast rather than trying to increase the size of the breast, as is the goal of a breast augmentation. Women who seek breast reduction often feel self conscious or suffer self esteem issues, however these patients should keep in mind that the doctor has met with and helped hundreds of women in similar circumstances. Breasts that are too large can cause more than just body image and self esteem issues, they can cause should, neck, back, and other muscle and joint problems.
Having reached full physical maturity is one of the main prerequisites for patients seeking a breast reduction surgery and other significant factors include, the size and shape of the breasts and whether or not a woman plans to become pregnant and begin breast-feeding. Breast feeding and pregnancy can dramatically alter the shape and size of the breasts and most doctors recommend women who plan to become pregnant wait until after they have gone through with breast feeding to seek breast reduction. The most ideal patients are those who are in good health, who do not smoke and maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise. Patients who do smoke will be instructed to refrain from smoking for several months. All patients will need to refrain from the use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin and Aleve that can cause blood thinning and lead to blood loss during surgery.
A standard breast reduction surgery involves making 3 main incisions.
The first incision is made along the base of the breast, following the natural curve of the breast. The second incision is made around the areola (nipple) in order to retain as much mammary function as possible. The third incision is made from the base of the nipple directly to the base of the breast. These three incisions allow excess skin and tissue to be trimmed away while maintaining a normal breast shape as well as allowing the nipple to be relocated to an appropriate position once the mass of the breast has been reduced. These three locations allow Dr. Goldberg to reduce the size of the breast as much as possible while limiting the amount of scars that are created.
A breast reduction can be performed in an average of 2-4 hours and the patient will remain under general anesthesia and patients will not feel any pain or remember anything. The surgery is considered an outpatient procedure and patients can return home for rest and recovery after a short observation.
There are a variety of techniques that can be used and a number of specific outcomes that can be focused on. If you are considering breast reduction surgery, contact Dr. Goldeberg for a personal consultation, tailored advice, and a first hand account of what might be possible for you with a breast reduction.