Patient is a 46 year old female who was diagnosed with left breast invasive ductal carcinoma stage 1. She desires to have left breast mastectomy and prophylactic removal of the right breast due to her concerns for family history of breast cancer. She has D cup breasts and a candidate to preserve her nipple. She also desires to be the same size breast.
She underwent 3 procedures in her reconstruction journey
Procedure 1: nipple delay flap elevation – outpatient surgery 10 days prior to the mastectomy. In this surgery – the mastectomy incision was placed in the fold of the breast to give the best aesthetic scar. This procedure helps to improve the vascular blood supply to the nipple
Procedure 2: Bilateral mastectomy and placement of tissue expanders in prepectoral pocket (Above the muscle) – 1 day in the hospital
Procedure 3: 4 months after procedure 2 – removal of tissue expanders and placement of permanent implants –Mentor high profile smooth xtra filled silicone implants 650 cc